Friday, February 18, 2011

On The Road Again- Florida Bound

February 18th, 2011

Up by 8am, and driving out waving goodbye to our wonderful Rancho Carlsbad. We’ll miss you Nana Julia  and grandkids, we’ll miss you gym, tennis, pool, Jacuzzi, golf, ect.  How blessed we are knowing  we have this life to come back to. Rc sunset100_5514

But FLORIA is our destination and we have a week to get there.  Taking the van, all packed with the STUFF WE NEED FOR 3 MONTHS, is a faster and less costly trip than when we travel in the RV. Along Hwy 8, coming into El Centro we saw a huge fire and smoke plume that was pretty, but foreboding. It turned out to be a hay bail fire of 100 of bales. Quite a site visible for miles.SAM_0005SAM_0008

Gas leaving San Diego was above 360 a gallon. We were happy to arrive in Yuma, and gas up at Super Fuels for $3.05. the lines were long, but worth the savings. SAM_0011SAM_0010

We stopped in Yuma for a yummy lunch at Da Boyz pizza, with our good friends,Sharon and Ron Mead. We wanted to see them and to pick up a Pegs and Joker set that they are selling to our friends Nancy and Tony in Rancho Carlsbad. By time we get back to deliver it, Nancy and Tony should be experts by practicing on our “borrowed” set.  We had a short, but nice visit with Sharon and Ron  before heading to our 1st night destination in Tucson AZ. We have lodging with Ken’s long time friend Mike Mount who lives at the gateway to the Sabino Canyon. They have graciously invited us for a barbeque dinner and a  nights stay at their home.

STAY TUNED FOR MORE. Writing from the road with Verizon Internet aircard. Isn’t technology great?


Unknown said...

Blog #1 read by "Retired Chick" in Morgan Hill, CA.

kawikaturn said...

I will be watching your travels. Have a great trip. We will be 4 months behind you on our way to the Keys!

ourbusandus said...

We're just sad you couldn't take the time to break in the new pegs 'n jokers set with us!! Have a safe trip and we'll be looking forward to reading about your drive across the country.

Love, Sharon & Ron