Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fun with Talia and Friends

A week driving to Florida and getting over bad colds and coughs, Ken and Sue are jumping into the role of Nanny for Talia.  It’s been a long time since we were challenged with a 2 year old. Were we always so busy, and tired? Where do the kids get the energy. If we could bottle it, and sell it we could be millionaires.

02261119070228111144SAM_0009SAM_0014SAM_0024SAM_00160228111116SAM_0153WE are trying to get into a daily schedule of meals, naps, snacks, play times, story times, diaper changes, and keeping Talia happy. It’s all consuming and is keeping us both busy trying to do our best to stay in control.

We have a lovely 2 bedroom apt. with most of the necessary furnishing and supplies. We have a big TV with all the channels , and WiFi for our computer. We are on the 3rd floor of the apt. building and get a nice breeze from the patio. Ken and I share a nice bedroom and private bath. Talia and Linda have their own too. Couldn’t ask for SAM_0004better. Our view from the stairs shows the whole bay and city view. We have 3 swimming pools, a workout room that Ken likes, and free coffee and newspaper  in the lobby.

We have visited the Children’s museum, several city parks,  and checked out the area for our favorite stores and eating places.We looked for an Albertsons, and all we found was a Piggly Wiggly!SAM_0029

We also looked for some play times at churches and YMCA’s for Talia to go and interact with other kids.

Ken has found a violin teacher, and is looking for a tennis group to join.

We had an adventure before we arrived here. We made it to town in time to view the launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery. It was well worth the efforts to make it here on time and the traffic we endured coming and going to the launch. We had a birds eye spot right across the water from the launch pad. When the engines fired up, we could see the steam, fire and hear the roar of the rocket taking off. It was AWESOME.  35 years ago Sue saw the Apollo launch from this same beach. Ken’s grandson James and his dad Craig joined us there and were very impressed at our viewing spot. Our Boomer friends, the Kathy and John Robnick, found us and enjoyed the excitement with us.

2011-02-249513-00-4695726launch flame & steamphoto
shuttle cloud trailSAM_0102SAM_0104SAM_0107SAM_0110SAM_0115SAM_0120SAM_0128SAM_0133sue waiting for launchsues shuttle shirt

The first DAY OFF WEEKEND is coming and we are thinking of going to the strawberry Festival in nearby Plant City.  Stay tuned for more.


Unknown said...

Great blog, great photos, but I couldn't take care of a two year old for more than a day.

Barbara and Ron said...

Talia is just precious and I'm sure you can handle anything. I would keep her away from those disgusting, dirty balls though.

Cathy Robnik said...

I just love the piggly wiggly stores...